(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I did! Great thanks I got it working via both ways :-)  Super clear.

Hi all,

Thanks for the add. I have a simple set-up question. I have been able to update the Showkase Gallery to the pro features. I see the Pro options in the admin.

My only question is do I still make my gallery with Adobe Air and generate the output files? If yes, where do I need to upload this in the FTP? basically how do I get my generated Gallery in the Showkase application? I now have all content pages set-up and working but I am not sure how to actually get my stand-alone Juicebox Gallery now in my Showkase website :-).

I assume I need to upload via FTP my gallery images and gallery config files to a particular folder.

Thank you for your guidance in advance.

Kind regards