I have a Gallery Index page with two Juicebox galleries. I am using the Gallery Manager theme and have it embedded into an existing page using an iFrame. The iFrame was not responsive so I used this method, benmarshall dot me/responsive-iframes. Works well until I get to phone size. Completely falls apart. How do you suggest doing this? I would like to be able to replace several clients' SlideshowPro galleries using your product, but I can't get it to work. I've tried several ways to display this and nothing is working properly. I need to be able to have a gallery index and it needs to be embedded into an existing web page. These are galleries that have more than one, therefore they need an gallery index type page that ties into the rest in both directions. I want my clients to be able to edit their own images.

My test is here: drycreekdigital.com/portfolioShowkase dot html