I hope someone can direct me on how to fix a problem I am having. Upon uploading files to a new gallery all is good. File sizes are as they should be. But after publishing the files are reduced in size. Is this a server issue? If so any direction on how to correct it? It has not always been this way. I have published numerous in the past with no issue. But the latest uploads are having this problem. I have the latest version of Showkase.
Thanks in advance for any assistance to solve this!
1 2018-01-09 18:15:09
Topic: JPEG file size is reduced after upload and publish. (1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
2 2016-02-10 15:12:44
Re: Maribo theme - nav and sub nav [SOLVED] (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
Thank You!
That worked perfectly!
3 2016-02-09 20:56:46
Topic: Maribo theme - nav and sub nav [SOLVED] (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
Working with Maribo theme. Is there anyway to have the nav and sub nav be different font size and weight? I have made adjustments to the gallery index font size and weight, but can't seem to find the right location to make changes for my custom css. I would like the nav to be bold and the sub nav be normal or the sub nav a smaller font size.
Thanks in advance!